Virtual & Augmented Reality Trainers Toolbox to foster Low Carbon Tourism & Related Entrepreneurship

EN Co-Funded by the EU_PANTONE
7 European partners working together to foster Low Carbon Tourism (LCT) durnig the different tourism travel phases

Which Tourism phases ?

Tourism involves the movement of people that takes place through three main phases.  [1] The planning phase [2] The Travelling phase and [3] The Destination phase.   Low Carbon Tourism is related to the decisions and actions that canb made in all three phases to result in less harm to our environment.

The VINCI project will provide knowledge on how low carbon tourism options can be taken into consideration when planning a trip.

The VINCI project will provide examples and case-studies to outline how during the travelling phase, low carbon tourism decisions can be made.  

The VINCI project will provide best practice case-studies of how low carbon options can be considered during the desination phase of travelling.

protect The World

The VINCI project is intended to educate tourism stakeholders on how human beings can enjoy exploring the world with a lower impact on climate change.  These stakeholders besides tourists themselves involves many others such as taxi operators, restaurant waiters, hotel staff and tour operators.  All of these can play an important part to making decisions and taking actions that can result in lower carbon emissions.  In this respect, VINCI will be contributing in its own small way to the COP27 goals by freely spreading knoweldge on best practices related to low carbon tourism.

low carbon tourism in different weather destinations

People travel to destinations during different seasons, having different weather conditions. Some people travel to warm countries others to colder countries. Irrespective of destination weather conditions, the VINCI project will outline that there are various actions tourism stakeholders can take to lower their impact on climate change.